Pankaj Singh

Hey, My name is Pankaj Singh

A passionate frontend and backend developer from India. I have built this website to easily access all the projects I have every submitted. Well tried my best to make it as simple as possible. Hope you will find it useful.

About Me Hi đź‘‹, I am currently pursuing BTECH in Computer Science and Information technology from KIET group of Institution and want to be software developer one day. I live in Mumbai. I have an average typing speed of 80 words per minute. So I know basic's of Programming languages such as C++ , C and Python. I am also interested in learning in webdev so I know little bit about javascript,Html and CSS. I am very punctual and want to do all my work at the right time. I like to eat plain and exercise on daily basis. I always pay attention to my studies and love to hang out with my friends.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Pankaj Singh and I'm a Frontend Web Developer located in Delhi. I've done remote projects for agencies, consulted for startups, and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for both business and consumer use.

I'm a bit of a digital product junky. Over the time i have spent, I've used hundreds of web and mobile apps in different industries and verticals. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

Problem solving

Projects A project is complete when it starts working for you, rather than you working for it.
– Scott Allen

Software Screenshot

Nasa Space App challenge

High level project description Solar Probe is a game application that will help kids from 10 to 14 years old learn about the challenges Parker faces on its journey to the sun and insights on space exploration. Among the challenges. Players will learn at the same time they are having fun with the immersive AR/VR experience of the space.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Portfolio website

This is a personal project for accessing all the things you need to know about me. This was a fun project and one of my first projects that I have ever done. It is simple and fun website where you can even play around with the website and get to know about me as well.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Work in Progress

I am participating in the Hactoberfest 2022 for which i have selected 4 projects that i will be working on. Once all my repo or pull requests will be accepted. Will add one of the project to here.

Case Study

Contact “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”