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Pankaj Singh


High level project description. Solar Probe is a game application that will help kids from 10 to 14 years old learn about the challenges Parker faces on its journey to the sun and insights on space exploration. Among the challenges. Players will learn at the same time they are having fun with the immersive AR/VR experience of the space.

Project Image

Project Overview

Solar probe’s findings reveal new information about the behavior of the material and particles that speed away from the Sun, bringing scientists closer to answering fundamental questions about the physics of our star. In the quest to protect astronauts and technology in space, the information Parker has uncovered about how the Sun constantly ejects material and energy will help scientists re-write the models we use to understand and predict the space weather around our planet and understand the process by which stars are created and evolve.All of Parker’s observations aid in the effort to understand the physics of the Sun, helping better predict space weather, which can affect electric grids, communications and navigation systems, astronauts and satellites in space, and more. Until now, researchers were unsure exactly where the Alfvén critical surface lay. Based on remote images of the corona, estimates had put it somewhere between 10 to 20 solar radii (4.3 to 8.6 million miles) from the surface of the Sun. Parker’s spiral trajectory brings it slowly closer to the Sun and during its previous few passes, the spacecraft was consistently below 20 solar radii (91 percent of Earth’s distance from the Sun), putting it in the position to cross the boundary – assuming the estimates were correct. The applicaction starts by giving a brief introduction about the mission and the importance of this mission, that it is first human-made object to enter the Sun’s atmosphere. The home page explains the details of the mission and why it one of it's kind.it also briefly tells the challenges the probe has to encounter and overcome on it's way. The application explains different aspects (e.g., construction, sensors and launch, and outer spacce) to keep in mind while launching a satellite. The launch starts, the user is given an immersive experience of a sattelite launch.The application will present the launch statistics(eg. location ,rocket,mission) of the parker during the launch.It also presents the actual visuals of the launch to engage the user.

After this, the mission starts.The application will present the statistics and the milestones that the Parker achieved throughout it's journey. should keep up with help of the different activities presented in the different rooms of the spaceship. The next page shows the journey of the Parker.It is implemented by listing the time stamps,the location,and discoveries it did-the dynamic and rotating solar wind,dust near the sun and putting space weather under microscope. The last page gives the the user the visual experience of the outer space implemented through AR/VR.The user is presented with the placement of celestial bodies and where the Parker probe is present in outer space.This is the main highlight of the application.

What benefits does it have?

Through this web application we wanted to develop a creative way to tell young audiences the story of how Parker Solar Probe became the first human-made object to enter the Sun’s atmosphere—including all the dangers Parker Solar Probe encountered and overcame on its way to the Sun and what lessons we could learn from Parker’s journey.

What do you hope to achieve?

We hope that the webapplication generates impact, that children find it entertaining and that they take advantage of the information they can learn from the game. We also identified that many of them have more fun visualizing the outer space through AR/VR.

Well you can experience it yourself from the link given below.

Tools Used

Content writing